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Neue Serverversion

Am gestrigen Abend hat DICE die neue Serverversion R9 an die Ranked Server Provider verteilt. Die neue Version beseitigt eine Menge Fehler und verbessert das Verhalten der Server an vielen Stellen.


Eine wesentliche Verbesserung der neuen Serverversion ist die Teambalance, die wohl auch den Spielern zuerst ins Auge fallen wird. Man sieht sich also auf dem Battlefield, ab heute mit ausgewogenen Teams.


Nebenbei soll der Fehler behoben worden sein, dass man beim Spielabsturz aufden Windows Desktop fliegt!


Lassen wir uns überraschen!


Eine genaue Auflistung findet ihr im Klapptext!




admin.say command implemented
- the output currently looks a bit funky on the game client, like so: Player: [Server]:
but with the next game client it will look like: Server:

admin.yell to squad has changed (you need to specify both team and squad)

squad numbering has changed – the “no squad” squad has ID 0, and real squads are 1 and up.

Autobalance improved, it shuffles people both during and between rounds now, and does a better job.

mapList* commands reworked

banList* commands reworked

listPlayers command added

admin.listPlayers command reworked (GUID, kills, deaths, ping and score added)

Players have non-PB GUIDs now (these are distinct from PB GUIDs)

onChat event reworked
- now it specifies target player subset as well
- shows text before profanity filtering
- client-originated chat messages starting with “/” make it to the server, and broadcast via onChat, but are not broadcast to other game clients
- use “/!” if you want to be able to send commands to your homemade rcon tools without showing the commands to other players

player.onAuthenticated added

player.onSquadChange, player.onTeamChange implemented

Couple of crash fixes

Support for “region” setting bugfixed

mapList.nextLevelIndex is always pointing out which map will be run during the next round (so during round 1 on a 2-round map, the nextLevelIndex will point to the map currently being played)

exposed number of rounds per maps in maplist.txt, and via the remote admin commands

Ralli - 9.04.10 13:33 Uhr
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