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ID Software hat einen lower graphics Patch rausgehauen, damit die Rage Performance auf vielen Rechnern (insbesondere jenen mit AMD Grafikkarte) um einiges besser wird. Hier gehts zu den Patchnotes. Klick mich!


John Carmack hat sich nicht allzu nett über die Treiberentwicklungen bei AMD geäußert: "

“The driver issues at launch have been a real cluster !@#$. We were quite happy with the performance improvements that we had made on AMD hardware in the months before launch… We knew that all older AMD drivers, and some Nvidia drivers would have problems with the game, but we were running well in-house on all of our test systems. When launch day came around and the wrong driver got released, half of our PC customers got a product that basically didn’t work…

“Unfortunately, we have had video driver issues that have caused problems and frustrations with our PC fans. Everyone at id Software is very upset by these issues which are mostly out of our control. We are working with both AMD/ATI and Nvidia to help them identify and fix the issues with their drivers.”

Hier der Link zum gesamten Statement.


Ich werde mal gleich testen was der Patch gebracht hat und was für Startoptionen ich aufgrund der HD 5970 vornehmen muss....

blackpunto - 9.10.11 15:06 Uhr
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